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Discounts Overview
What types of discounts can I offer through your online ordering system?
Discount Limitations and Set Up
Can I schedule discounts for future use?
Is it possible to set up recurring discounts for certain days of the week or holidays?
Is it possible to configure distinct discounts for my app as opposed to my website?
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Promo Codes
Am I able to create my own promo code for a discount?
Are there any character restrictions when creating a unique promo code?
Are promo codes case-sensitive?
Can I create more than one unique promo code for a discount?
Is it possible to create multiple codes with the same valid dates, so I can send unique codes to customers instead of using the same code for everyone?
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Redeeming Discounts
How does a customer redeem a discount with a promo code?
How does a customer redeem a discount that does not have a promo code?
A customer is not able to redeem a discount, why would that be?
Can a customer redeem a discount for a scheduled future order that is outside the discount valid date?
Can I set up a discount to be only redeemable on certain service types?
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Item Level Discounts
What type of item level discounts can I create?
How many qualifying items can I require for an item level discount?
Do my qualifying items need to be within the same category?
Do I need to set up my item level discount with a qualifying item?
Can I attach an image to my item-level discounts?
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