If your order was canceled, you'd expect to see the money returned as quickly as possible. Were you expecting to receive a refund and haven't seen it yet?

In this case, it depends on how long after you ordered that the refund was applied.  Orders that are canceled on the same business day they're ordered typically fall off the statement as the transaction is voided out before it can post.  In these cases, the reason you're not seeing credit applied to your account is that the charge itself has been removed.

Alternately, if the payment posted before we had an opportunity to cancel, it's up to the bank to get that back to you in a timely manner.  Transactions like this can be expected to be completed with a few business days, depending on how fast your bank can act.  Delays can frequently be attributed to holidays or slow processing times, but if you have any questions, you're always free to ask us at any point - just give us a call toll-free:
