If you have a modifier with more number of modifier items in it, you might want to group them according to their types, to make it easier for the customer to navigate items according to the type they want.
In this article, you'll learn how you can group modifier items into types within a modifier.
Initial Steps
1. Be on Control Panel,
2. Go to Menu tab
- How to group modifier items?
- How it shows up in the Order online menu?
- How is Grouping different from Master Modifier?
Let’s say, the BBQ Chicken Pizza in the Specials category of the Wednesday Special menu (that we created in the article - 2. Adding a Specials menu) comes with the Toppings modifier that constitutes 7 topping items – onions, American cheese, grilled onions, tomato, grilled peppers, sauteed mushrooms, and Swiss cheese as shown below:
Now, let’s say you can group them into Veggie and Cheese categories to make it easier for the customer to search through the Topping items under these two categories.
First, you have to create a category level modifier called Toppings. (To learn how to create a category level modifier, read the article - 8. Category Level Modifier)
Remember: Check-in Multiple selection, so the customer can choose more than one topping or types of toppings.
Also, you can check-in the Modfiier multiplier option so that the customer can increase the quantity of a particular topping. Learn about them in the article - 10. Multi-Select Modifier with Modifier Multiplier
Add the above-given topping items to it, and assign prices to these items as shown below:
How to group modifier items?
Now that we have created the Toppings modifier, let's group them into Veggie and Cheese categories.
For this, take the following steps:
1. Select Toppings modifier
2. Go to Toppings Modifier Items…
3. Click on Groups
4. Check-in the Use modifier grouping box
5. Name Group and Label (how it shows up in the menu) as Veggie and Cheese and shown below
6. Hit Save
How it shows up in the Order online menu?
Go to the Order online menu > WEDNESDAY SPECIAL > Specials > BBQ Chicken Pizza
Here, you can see the modifier items have been grouped under Cheese and Veggie categories under the Toppings modifier.
Also: The customer can use the collapse/expand button to show or hide it.
Now the customer can select multiple toppings and increase the quantity of the toppings as shown in the following screenshot:
How is Grouping different from Master Modifier?
Grouping is different from the Master Modifier because the Master Modifier groups “modifiers”, whereas, the grouping is used to group “modifier items”.
Note: You can also group the modifiers linked to the Master Modifier that will show up in the menu same as shown in the following screenshot.
For this, go to the Wednesday Special > Pizza > BBQ Chicken Pizza (where we created a Master Modifier in the article - 11. Master Modifier - Pizza Modifier)
Click on any of the following modifier shown below (since the items are same in all three modifiers)
Add American Cheese in place of Mushrooms and add price to it.
And group them into Veggie and Cheese as shown below: