Once Virtual Catering Assistant is enabled in the cart, this feature would guide the customers in placing the right order quantity for a specific number of people they select.



How to enable Virtual Catering Assistant

Take the following steps to enable the virtual catering assistant:

1. Be on the Control panel.

2. Click the Configuration dropdown tab.

3. Click on Settings.

4. On the extreme right side of the screen, click on Edit Settings.

5. Check mark the following boxes in the Settings window:

  • Show Price per person
  • Show Serving quantity

6. Scroll down and hit the Save button, to save the changes.

When both of them are turned on, the system will automatically add the No. of People field box, where the customer can enter the number of people they are ordering for.

Edit Serving Quantity and Serving Label of an item

Let's say, Classic Continental dish comes with a plate that serves 25 people.

Here, to illustrate an example, let's go with Breakfast menu > Breakfast Buffet category > classic continental item. 

You can edit Serving Quantity and Serving Label taking the following steps:

1. Be on the Control panel.

2. Click on the Menu tab.

3. Menu - Breakfast > category - Breakfast Buffets > item - classic continental.

4. Click on the Edit button.

5. Click on Edit item details.

Go to the Add/Edit Item box that appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

6. Add the following serving quantity and label:

  • Serving Qty - 25
  • Serving Label - Plate

The changes are updated for the item.

Let's see how the changes appear in the catering menu.

Let's add the Classic Continental Breakfast item to the cart. 

To perform this action, take the following steps:


2. Click on Breakfast Buffets.

3. Go Classic Continental Breakfast.

Serving Label and Serving Quantity will appear below the item on the item details page as shown in the following screenshot.

4. Click on Add to bag, to add the item to the cart.

Now along with the quantity (Qty.), it also tells you how many people an item Serves. In case you haven't entered a number in the No. of People field, then the system will automatically set the estimated number of people it serves for a given quantity (see the following screenshot).

Let's see how Virtual Catering Assistant actually guides the customer in their catering order.

Let's say, you want to place a catering order for 50 people. 

1. So let's add 50 in the box and 

2. Click the checkmark icon.

The indicator immediately changed from a green tickmark to a red down arrow. It means that if you're ordering for 50 people, the order quantity is not enough. You must increase the quantity.

By increasing the Qty to 2, it now serves 50 people and the indicator turns back to tickmark and green color again.

Now, if we increase the Qty to 3 which essentially serves 75 people, the color changes to yellow telling that you've ordered too much and you should check it out.

Price Per Person

The second thing you might have noticed is the PRICE PER PERSON

If a company is ordering for an event, they have the price per person in the budget. So based on the order quantity and number of people it serves, the system will automatically calculate the price per person. 

Clicking on it will show you the item price charged per person and the total price per person after adding taxes.