Upsell items are the additional items that people would be interested in buying along with the main item. This helps restaurants/food businesses to promote different menu items to increase their ticket size and boost sales.

You can select and enable menu items as upsell items. These items will show up in the suggestion box inside the cart during the checkout process.


How to enable Static Upsell items?

Take the following steps to enable items to show up in the cart:

1. Go to a menu item.

2. Click on the empty star iconalongside the item.


Note: This functionality must be activated at the Channel level. For this, you can contact the Zuppler Support Team on the toll-free no.: +1 (888)-987-7537.

How it will appear in the cart?

The items highlighted in yellow are Static Upsell items in the cart.

Customers can add any number of items they want by clicking on the +ADD button below the item.