Will the online ordering get paused if I toggle off the Delightable provider in the Upserve dashboard?
No, toggling off Delightable within Upserve only stops Delightable order injection to Upserve. That won’t pause the online ordering and guests will still be able to place orders, the orders will only start failing to go to Upserve.
Do you import item images from Upserve?
Upserve does not support sending over the item images along with the menu data. However, we can assign images to your menu items. You can upload the images to a Delightable picture collection and then assign those images to your menu items.
How can I make updates to the online ordering menu?
You can make all the updates to your menu in the Upserve menu manager. Once you make any changes to the menu in Upserve you need to run a sync job in POSaaS to have the changes reflected on the Delightable online ordering page.