To connect your Toast account with Zuppler, you need to add the Zuppler integration in the Toast portal. This article also contains some troubleshooting steps that you can follow in case you are not able to connect your Toast account even after providing the GUID.

Instructions to add the integration

Step 1: Log in to your Toast web portal

  • You need to login to your Toast web portal and go to the integrations section.

Step 2: Add the Zuppler integration in Toast

  • Find the Zuppler integration among the other integrations and add it to your account. Don't forget to publish the changes in Toast after adding the integration.

Step 3: Enter the GUID receieved in Zuppler Chef

  • You'll receive an email from Toast on your registered email address consisting the Toast restaurant GUID. You need to enter this GUID on the POS connection page in Zuppler chef portal.

For more detailed steps that you need to follow in Toast to add an integration, check this article from Toast.

Step 4: Make sure the tax configuration is correctly set up

  • Once, you follow and complete the remaining store settings you'll be required to set up the tax configuration of your store. We need to make sure the tax is configured correctly or it may result in order total mismatch on Toast and Zuppler end. This is what we need to keep in mind while setting it up.
    • Delivery taxable or not: The 'delivery is taxed' option should only be checked if you want the delivery charge to be taxed. Please make sure the delivery charge in Toast is also set up as taxable in that case. If you don't want the delivery charge to be taxed, simply uncheck the option in Chef and save.
    • Toast calculates the tax per item and charge and we need to follow the same rounding in order to avoid order total mismatch. Thus, please make sure the rounding strategy is set to 'Per-item and Per-charge tax rounding'

Still having trouble connecting to Toast?

If you are not able to sync the account with Toast even after following the above mentioned steps. Please try following these troubleshooting steps.

  • Make sure the GUID is correct

Once the Zuppler integration is added in Toast, Toast team will send a confirmation email. That email will contain the restaurant GUID. That's the GUID you need to enter in Chef to integrate. 

  • Make sure changes are published

It's important to publish changes in Toast after making any changes. So, once you add the integration publish the changes in the Toast portal. You can publish the changes by clicking on the cloud icon on the top right of the screen in the Toast portal. Try saving the GUID and syncing again in Zuppler portal after some time of publishing the changes.

  • Correct Menu Visibility

Make sure the menus which you want to show for online ordering have the correct visibility configured in Toast. The menus should be visible to the Online Orders: Ordering Partners channel. Make sure that checkbox is checked and all changes are published.