Are there limitations on the number of discounts I can create?

  • No, our system provides you with the flexibility to create unlimited discounts. 

Can I add a start and end date to my discount?

  • Yes, you can specify a start and end date for a discount. 

Can my discount require an order minimum?

  • Yes, you can set a minimum order amount which will be on the subtotal.

Can my discount have a promo code?

  • Yes, you can create a promo code for your discount

Does my discount have to have a promo code?

  • No, you do not need to create a promo code for a discount.

Am I able to set a maximum order subtotal on a discount?

  • Yes, you can set a maximum order subtotal on a discount. This is useful if you do not want customers applying discounts on larger order amounts.

Is it possible for me to create a discount that restricts the total discounted amount?

  • Yes, you have the ability to set a maximum amount that can be discounted. This is especially useful for percent-based discounts.


Am I able to limit the amount of times a discount can be applied?

  • Yes, you can set a maximum redemption limit for discounts to ensure they align with your business rules and objectives. Once the limit has been reached, customers will no longer be able to redeem the discount. 

Am I able to limit the number of times a customer can redeem a discount?

  • Yes, you can limit the number of times a customer can redeem a specific discount. Our system has the flexibility to offer one-time use discounts or even enable discounts to have higher redemption uses.