Discounts Overview

What types of discounts can I offer through your online ordering system?
What types of discounts can I offer through your online ordering system? We provide various discount options, including:  Percent-based Fixed amoun...
Discount Limitations and Set Up
Are there limitations on the number of discounts I can create? No, our system provides you with the flexibility to create unlimited discounts.  Can...
Can I schedule discounts for future use?
Yes, you can schedule a start date which will determine when your discount will become available. If you are using a promo code, you will be able to set up ...
Is it possible to set up recurring discounts for certain days of the week or holidays?
While you can’t set recurring discounts on specific dates for holidays, you can set up recurring discounts for certain days, weeks, or months within a year....
Is it possible to configure distinct discounts for my app as opposed to my website?
Absolutely, you have the flexibility to establish discounts that are exclusively applicable for orders placed through your mobile app. Conversely, you can a...
Can I restrict which items, categories, or menus the discounts can be applied to within my menu?
This option is only available when setting up item-based discounts and some restrictions will apply. Please see item-based discounts for more information.  ...
Can I track the performance of different discounts to see which ones are most effective?
We provide analytics and reporting tools to help you monitor the performance of your discounts and make data-driven decisions. You can access this data with...