Zuppler Loyalty
We have multiple ways from which your customers can earn points. Here they are: Based on Order type (Delivery, pickup) Based on Order day (Sat-Sun) ...
We will have to create a loyalty tender for each restaurant. As soon as your customer goes through the payment process, they will see a loyalty tender to ma...
No, they can use only 1 loyalty reward per order. Example: If a customer has a $20 order and they have 2 loyalty rewards: $5 and $10. In such cases, custome...
Yes you can set up one loyalty plan for all your restaurants. All you have to do is assign a channel to that Loyalty plan, so the restaurants integrated wit...
As soon as the customer’s order gets completed, they will be able to see all their points earned in their loyalty dashboard under their account profile
Yes, they can. We have a loyalty dashboard under the customer's profile page. In that dashboard we display loyalty points order history. There they can ...
No, loyalty is only for registered users. To earn points, customers will have to Sign In.
Reasons users do not see points on their orders are: They might have ordered as a guest User They might have canceled their order. In this case, the l...
In this case, our team will have to run a migration script, where we will ensure that the customer's tiers and points of Loyalty 2.0 are the same as tho...
Yes, they can, we will have to set tiers on feedback-earning points.