Redeeming Discounts
Customers have two options that they can choose when applying a discount to their order. Option 1: Enter the promo code in the promo code box at the to...
If a discount does not have a promo code, it will show at the top of your online ordering menu, under your menu’s categories. A customer can redeem by simpl...
There a few reasons why a customer may not be able to redeem a discount: The customer is attempting to redeem while they are ordering as a guest vs. sig...
Discounts and promo code valid dates are determined by the date and time the customer places their order and not the date and time the order is for. As long...
Yes, you can set up a discount so that it can only be applied when the user is ordering for a specific service type: pickup, delivery, or curbside.
No, discounts can only be redeemed for online ordering.
Zuppler offers security features to prevent misuse of discounts, including limiting usage frequency, expiration dates, and unique promo codes.
Yes, customers can apply one discount and redeem one reward within the same order.